“The More You Honor Me, The More I Will Bless You.”

Let Us Pray:
O Holy Infant Jesus, through your life on earth, you revealed to us by many marvels your hidden power. So now bless us abundantly with your uplifted hand and graciously deign to hear the petitions of those who call upon you in faith and trust. Amen.
And the word became flesh
And dwelt among us
OUR FATHER…… Repeat 3X
And the word became flesh
And dwelt among us
HAIL MARY……. Repeat 12X
Glory be………. Infant Jesus, bless and hear our prayers (3X)
Prayer to the Infant Jesus
O Miraculous Infant Jesus, look upon us, as we turn to you, imploring your assistance in our needs and anxieties. Let your compassionate heart be moved to pity by our supplications and grant us the favor which we ardently implore you. Free us from all affliction and despair, all trials and misfortunes and give us your support and consolation so that we may praise you and the Father and the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen.
Thanksgiving for Favors Received
O most generous Infant Jesus, we, on our knees before your Sacred Image have come to express our deep thankfulness to you for all the favors we have received at your hands. We believe, Jesus, that together with the Father and the Holy Spirit you are our Creator and Saviour. Henceforth, we place our trust in You. Through this miraculous statue, may your devotion be spread throughout the world and may all Christians pay homage to your Holy Childhood and gain thereby untold Divine blessings and favors.