Yours in Christ,
It all started back in 2005, when I had invited a Priest to celebrate a Healing Mass in Florida. At the end of Mass, as we both proceeded to our car, some of the people were following the Priest and were requesting more prayers. The Priest stopped and saw their desperate need of healing. The queue outside the church was pretty long and many of our Brothers and Sisters would not leave though the Mass was over.
As the Priest prayed over these people, he wept and uttered these words: “…these people are broken and have no one to take care of them.” Upon hearing these words I felt a great need to help my dear bothers and sisters through prayer, healing Masses and retreats.
A few weeks after this took place, I met with a Prayer Warrior by the name of Ruth Werkowski who prayed with me and through the Holy Spirit, she discerned that that this Ministry should be called “Two Hearts – One Love”.
May the unity and grace of the “Two Hearts” fill your lives, your families, the world as we are transformed by the refuge of their love.
Two Hearts – One Love