“If you forgive others their transgressions, your Heavenly Father will forgive you. But, if you forgive not others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions”
(Matthew 6:14-15)
And so we pray:
Abba (Daddy) Father and my Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins. I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In your name I forgive all others for what they have done against me. Lord, Jesus Christ, I wish to come to You today to forgive EVERYONE in my life, and I know You will give me the strength I need to forgive them.
First, I want to forgive my PARENTS for attempting to abort me or any of my siblings. For all the times they hurt me, were angry with me and for all the times they punished me unjustly. I forgive them for the times they preferred my siblings to me. I forgive them for lack of support., love, affection, attention, and for being away from home. I forgive them for fighting, running around on each other, and for divorcing. Lord, I forgive my Mom and Dad. Lord, I forgive my SPOUSE for any lack of love, affection, consideration, support, attention, communication. For their faults, failings, weaknesses, including being unfaithful to me and for all their other acts or words that hurt or disturb me. Lord, I forgive my Spouse, past and present.
Jesus, I forgive my CHILDREN for their lack of respect, obedience, love, attention, support, warmth, understanding; for their bad habits, and actions that disturb me. I forgive them. My God, I forgive my IN-LAWS, AND OTHER RELATIVES who treat my family with a lack of love and respect. For all their words, thoughts, or actions that injure and cause pain to me and my family, Lord I forgive them.
Lord I forgive my EMPLOYER for not paying me enough money, for not appreciating my work, for being unkind and unreasonable with me, for being angry or unfriendly, for not promoting me when I deserved it, and for not complimenting me on my work when I did a good job. Lord, I forgive them. I forgive my CO-WORKERS who are disagreeable or make life miserable at work. For those who pushed their work off on me, for those who try to make me look bad so they will look good in the eyes of the boss, and they try to take my job. Lord, I forgive them.
I forgive my NEIGHBORS, for all their noise, for letting their property run down, not tying up their dogs who run through my yard and do their job on my front lawn, for being prejudiced and running down the neighborhood. Lord, I forgive them. I forgive my CLERGYMAN, my Pastor or Priest, and all other leaders in my church, other members of the CONGREGATION and my CHURCH for their lack of support, affirmation, bad sermons, pettiness, lack of friendliness, not providing me or my family with the inspiration we needed, for any hurts they have inflicted on me or my family, even in the distant past, I forgive them. I forgive those of different religious DENOMINATIONS AND BELIEFS who have harassed me. Attacked me, argued with me, those who have tried to force their view point on me or my family. Lord, I forgive them.
Lord, I forgive those who have harmed me ETHICALLY, have discriminated against me, mocked me, made jokes about my race or nationality, hurt my family physically, emotionally or economically. Lord, I forgive them.
Lord, I forgive all PROFESIONAL PEOPLE who have hurt me in any way. I forgive all service people, especially repairmen who have taken advantage of me in their work. Lord, I forgive them.
Lord, I forgive my SCHOOL TEACHERS AND CLASSMATES of the past and the present. Those who punished me, humiliated me, insulted me, treated me unjustly, made fun of me, called me dumb or stupid. Lord, I forgive them.
Lord, I forgive my FRIENDS who have let me down, lost contact with me, do not support me, were not available when I needed help, borrowed money and did not return it, gossiped about me. Lord, I forgive them.
Lord, I forgive all the INCONSIDERATE DRIVERS that endanger my life and my family by their reckless driving habits on the highway. Lord, I forgive them.
Lord Jesus, I especially pray for the grace of forgiving the ONE PERSON in my life who has HURT ME THEM MOST. I forgive anyone who I consider my greatest enemy, the one who is the hardest for me to forgive or the one I said I would never forgive. I forgive the person/s who abused me sexually, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Lord, I forgive that person today.
Lord, I forgive these people and I ask you to forgive them as well. I also ask you Lord to bless each of these people. Those who know You as savior, bless all of them with spiritual blessings. Those who do not know you as savior, Lord bless them with your saving grace, that they might come to know you as Lord, God and Savior.
Lord, I beg pardon from all these people and any others who I may have forgotten, for the hurt I have inflicted on them, especially my mother and father, and my marriage partner. I am truly sorry for the hurts I inflicted upon each one of them.
And now Lord, as I have forgiven others, I forgive myself and will not allow Satan to falsely accused me. Renew a right spirit within me and hold not Your Holy Spirit from me. Cover me with Your most precious blood, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, sir up Your spiritual gifts within me and fill me with expectant faith so that I can minister more effectively to others. I renounce Satan, his evil spirits and all their works. I give you my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite you into my life, Lord Jesus, I accept You as my Lord, my God and my Savior. Heal me, change me, fill me and strengthen m! e in my body, soul, and spirit. I love You Lord. I praise You, Lord. I thank You, Jesus. I shall follow you every day of my life. Amen.
As you are praying this prayer, ask the Lord to search your heart to show you anyone and everyone that you need to forgive. Pray this prayer every day for at least thirty days. Pray it until you mean every word sincerely, and something really wonderful will happen to you. You will feel the peace of God as you have never felt it before. While you are at it, ask the Lord if there is anything of which you need to be forgiven. Then go to your priest and get things reconciled with God.